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2021 AGM
The Minutes of the Annual Guardians' Meeting,
held on Friday, 10th December 2021,
can be viewed (and optionally downloaded) here.
You can download the Minutes by clicking here or anywhere on their last page, immediately above.
If you would like a copy of the accounts as presented to the AGM, just email the Treasurer.
Incidentally, the 2021 volume, Retrospect and Resources, is also now available —
click here for more information.
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The 2021 Annual Meeting of Guardians will take place at the Village Hall, Kelsale, on Friday 10th December, starting at 10am and planned to end by 12:30. Presentations will include short comments by the Trust’s Chairman, Hon. Treasurer and Hon. Editors.
Paid-up Guardians will be able to collect their free copies of the Trust’s 2021 annual publication in the Adult Education Series, "Retrospect and Resources". Extra copies will be available for sale at £12.00 – excellent Christmas gifts !
Non-members will also be welcomed, and will be able to buy copies of the annual publication at the same price.
*** There is ample car-parking opposite the Village Hall ***