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2019 AGM
Reports on activities of the Trust in 2018 by voluntary Officers, with Powerpoint presentations;
Discussion on our Trust Deed;
The meeting will conclude with a 'bring and share' lunch.
The meeting will include time for debate and discussion.
The main discussion topic relates to our Trust Deed, which defines our 'purpose' (i.e., preservation of flora through the management of our reserves) as being 'for the benefit of the public generally and especially the inhabitants of the County of Suffolk'.
After five years of voluntary management of SFPT's two reserves, it is now timely that we should evaluate how far we fulfil this purpose, and what we could do to improve the benefits offered to the public and especially the inhabitants of Suffolk.
The AGM will give us the chance to tackle this issue together. Please come with your ideas, and be prepared to join the discussion.
If, for any reason, you are not able to attend the AGM, please email us a short note with your ideas. Send to conservation@suffolkflora.org
Let's make 2019 a great year for SFPT !
There is ample car-parking opposite the Village Hall.